Parish Registers, Demography and Historical Geography

A Case Study of the Parish of Macroom (1837-1896)


  • Majella Flynn UCC


population, case study, history, registers, marriage, ireland


Despite the considerable amount of research carried out on population trends in nineteenth century
Ireland (Connell, 1951, 1962, 1965; Cousens, 1961, 1964; Kennedy, 1973; Lee, 1968; McKenna, 1974; Walsh, 1969, 1970), parish registers. have not been used to any great extent as a source material. With a view to examining the utilisation of, and the results that can be obtained from, this particular source, some register-based research undertaken by the author will be discussed (Flynn, 1984). It is hoped in so doing to highlight the merits and defects of parish registers as a source for social. historical, and geographical research.


Census of the Population of Ireland. 1861, 1871, 1881, 1891 and 1901.

Macroom Church of Ireland Marriage, Baptism and Burial Registers, 1837 - 1901.

Barry, J.G. (1967.). The Study of Family History in Ireland. O'Donnell. Lecture delivered at University College, Cork.

Connell, K. H. (1951). Some Unsettled Problems in English and Irish Population History, 1750-1845. Irish Historical Studies, 7, 28: 225 - 234.

Connell, K. ·H. (1962). Peasant Marriage in Ireland: Its Structure and Development since the Famine. The Economic History Review, second series, 14, 3: 502 - 523.

Connell, K. H. (1965). Land and Population in Ireland, 1780 - 1845. In Population in History: Essays in Historical Demography (D.V. Glass and D.E.C. Eversley, eds.). London: Edward Arnold. Cousens, S. H. (1961 ). Emigration and Demographic Change in Ireland, 1851 - 1861. The Economic History Review, second series, 14, 2: 275 - 288. Cousens, S. H. (1964). The Regional Variations in Population Changes in Ireland, 1861 -1881. The Economic History Review, second series, 17, 2: 301 - 321. Daly, M. E. (1981 ). Social and Economic History of Ireland Since 1800. Dublin: The Educational Company of Ireland.

Finlay , R. (1981 ). Parish Registers. An Introduction. Number 7: Historical Geography Research Series. Historical Geography Research Group (University of Lancaster).

Flynn, M. M. (1984). The Changing Population Geography of the Macroom Protestants, 1837-1901. Unpublished B.A. Dissertation submitted to the Geography Department, University College Cork. Kennedy, R. E. (1973). The Irish: Emigration, Marriage and Fertility. Berkeley: University of California Press. Lee, J. (1968). Marriage and Population in Pre-Famine Ireland. The Economic History Review, second series, 21: 283 - 295.

Lee, J. (1973). The Modernisation of Irish Society, 1848-1918. Dublin: Gill and Macmillan. Lyons, F. S. L. (1973). Ireland Since the Famine. London: Fontana Press.

McKenna, E. E. (1974). Marriage and Fertility in Post-Famine Ireland: A Multivariate Analysis. American Journal of Sociology, 80, 3: 688 - 705.

Walsh, B. M. (1969). A Perspective on Irish Population Patterns. Eire-Ireland, 4, 3: 3 - 21.

Walsh, B. M. (1970). Marriage Rates and Population Pressure: Ireland, 1871- 1911. The Economic History Review, second series, 23, 1: 148 - 162.

Woods, R. (1984). Population Studies. Progress in Human Geography, 8, 2: 247 - 254.

Wrigley, E. A. (1966a). Family Reconstitution in An Introduction to English Historical Demography (E. A. Wrigley, ed). London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson.

Wrigley, E. A. (1966b). Family Limitation in Pre-Industrial England. The Economic History Review, second series, 19, 1: 82 -109.

Wrigley, E. A._ (1968). Mortality in Pre-Industrial England, the example of Colyton, Devon, over three centuries. Daedalus, 47: 548 - 580.





