The Geography of Manipulation
The British Tabloids
tabloids, britain, newspaper, ideologiesAbstract
Introduction Due to developments in communication networks· and technological innovations in the last fifty years, more people than ever before in the earth's history have potential access to a constant supply of information. This information, however, is often presented in a simplified, abbreviated, uncomplicated manner. Those who administer the dissemination of information contend that this makes it easy for the public to assimilate.
Curran, J. and Seaton, J. (1985) Power without Responsibility: The Press and Broadcasting in Britain Methuen, London
Duby, G. (1985) "Ideologies in Social History" in Le Goff, J. (Ed.) Constructing the Past University Press, Cambridge, pp.154-165
MacAmhlaigh, D. (1988) “Paper and Print" Ireland's Own, January 29th , p.14
Ni Cionnfhaolaidh, B. (1987) Tabloids and Ideology: Ideological Domination in the Popular Media, B.A. Dissertation, Dept. of Social Theory & Institutions, University College Cork.