Of Maps and Hobbits

A Brief Survey of Maps in Fantasy Literature


  • Kieran Hickey UCC




cartography, survey, fanatsy, maps


Since pre-history human beings have as a pre-requisite of survival been compelled to explore the world around them. Consequently the parameters of the physical dimension of the world were constantly being expanded through history. This can be seen in the land based explorations of people like Marco Polo in the 14th century and the great sea voyages of exploration by people like Columbus, Cook, De Gama, Vespucci in the 15th and 16th centuries. Cousteau in the early part of this century opened up the undersea world to exploration with his invention of the aqualung. By the 1960's, a new era of exploration had begun; the exploration of space, perhaps the Final Frontier, led by both the American and Soviet space agencies. This is a continuing quest; to reach out beyond what is known; to break down the barriers of our current knowledge; but always to push onwards. One vital aspect of this reaching out and exploration has been the recording of the new knowledge gained. In terms of the exploration of new lands and uncharted vistas, this has meant some element of mapping being involved. It is not too surprising then that fantasy literature, concerned with exploring life and landscape and their interaction on imaginary worlds, has included this element of recording through maps. The inclusion of at least one map with the text in fantasy novels seems to be standard for the genre.


Chalker, J. L. (1978) Exiles at the Well of Souls, Penguin Science 'Fiction, Middlesex.

Donaldson, S. (1977) Lord Foul’s Bane, Fontana, London

Feist, R. (1982) Magician, Panther, London

Harrison, H. (1986) Winter in Eden, Grafton, London

Le Guin, U. (1979) Earthsea Trilogy, Penguin, Middlesex

McCaffrey, A. (1977) Dragonsinger: Harper of Pern, Corgi, London

Tolkien, J. R. R. (1954) Lord of the Rings, Allen & Unwin, London

Vance, J. (1968) Planet of Adventure, Grafton, London

Aldiss, B. and Wingrove, D. (1986) Trillion Year Spree: The History of Science Fiction, Victor Gollanz Ltd., London

Asimov, I. (1983) Asimov On Science Fiction, Granada, London

Loch, C. B. (1976) Geography and Cartography, 3rd Edition, Clive Bingley Ltd., London

Monkhouse, F. J. and Wilkinson, H. R. (1971) Maps and Diagrams, 3rd Edition, The Chaucer Press, Suffolk

Robinson, A. H. and Sale, R. D. (1969) Elements of Cartography, 3rd edition, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York





