The Economic Importance of the Brewing Industry in the Republic of Ireland
ireland, economy, alcoholAbstract
The brewing industry in Ireland has, for long, played a significant part in Irish life. It has had an influence on the nation both at social and economic levels. Economically, it has been a source of substantial employment both directly in the manufacture, distribution and retail of its products; and indirectly with its close links to agriculture and its importance in the tourist image of Ireland.
Bowman, M. The Brewing Industry in the Republic of Ireland Unpublished M.A. Thesis, U.C.C. 1983
John, I., and O'Hagan, J. The Economic Importance of the Drinks Industry in Ireland, Drinks Industry Group, Dublin 1982.
Scott, Y. The Drinks Industry in Ireland Drinks Industry Group Dublin, 1986.
Van der Minne, F. Murphy Brewery Ireland Ltd; A People- Murray Consultants Ltd., Dublin, 1988.