"Towards an Explanation of Time Geography"


  • Marie O'Neill-Maher UCC




time geography, space, landscape


This paper sets out to discuss the discipline of Time Geography. To succeed in this aim the issue has to be defined and explained within the context of geography, and its uses illustrated in an attempt at understanding the manifestations in the spatial organisation and man. Geography is a very broad discipline and embraces many diverse fields of study. It encompasses many different elements of the planet from the atmosphere to the sociosphere. This latter sphere examines man's interaction with the geographical sphere.


“V.A. Anuchin; Theory of Geography" in Directions in Geography (ed)., R. J'. ·Chorley, p.46, (1973)., Methuen.

Abler Adams and Gould, Spatial organisation - the Geographer's View of the World, p. 118, (1971), Prentice Hall.

W. Bunge, Theoretical Geography, p.207, (1966), University of Lund, Geography Department.

Ibid, p.186.

Ibid, p.207.

Abler et al, op.cit., p.572.

I.G. Cullen, "The Treatment of Time is the Explanation of Spatial Behaiour”, p.27 in Timing-space and Spacing-time (Vol. 2).

T. Hagerstrand, "The Domain of Human Geography", p. 7 3 in Chorley, op.cit., 1973.

B. Lentorp, Paths in Space-Time Environments, a Time-Geography Study of Movement Possibilities of Individuals, p.81, (1976), University of Lund, Geography Department.

Ibid, p.9.

T. Hagerstrand, "What about People in Regional Science", p. 40.

Ibid., p.46.

T. Hagerstrand, Space-time and Human Conditions, (1976), University of Lund, Geography Department.

T. Carlstein, "Innovation, Time Allocation and Time-Space Packing", p.152 in Timing-Space and Space Time (Vol.2).

M. Shapcott and P. Steadman, "Rhythms of Urban Activity", p.54 in Timing-Space and Spacing-Time, (Vol. 2).

Hagerstrand, op.cit., in Chorley (1973), p.86.

Hagerstrand, "Introduction to Time Geography", p.18 in Timing-Space and Spacing-Time, (Vol.2).





