Some Conflicts in the Pursuit of Material and Social Equality


  • David Storey UCC



equality, poverty, society


Many and varied views of poverty exist, ranging from the uncaring 'its got nothing to do with me' stance, through to concern at the plight of the poor, to calls for a radical transformation of society so as to eradicate poverty entirely. Studies of poverty in western societies have a long tradition. Among some early discussions of living conditions is Engel’s The Condition of The Working Class in England (1845). One of the first detailed surveys in Britain: was Rowntree's study in York in 1899. Since then, the prominence given to the living conditions of people in western countries has waxed and waned, both in popular discourse and in academic debate. 


Abel-Smith, B. and-Townsend, P. (1965) The Poor and the Poorest, London, Bell.

Barry, F. (1988) "Pluralism and in the Community" in Kearney, R. (Ed) Across the Frontiers: Ireland in the 1990s, Dublin, Wolfhound Press.

Brody, H. (1973) Iniskillane: Change and Decline in the West of Ireland. London, Jill Norman and Hobhouse.

Coates, B.E.: Johnson, R. J. and Knox, P. L. (1977) The Geography of Inequality, Oxford, Oxford University Press.

Economic and Social Research Institute/ Combat Poverty Agency (1988) Poverty and the Social Welfare System in Ireland. Dublin, Combat Poverty Agency.

Economic and Social Review, (1989) 20 (4)

Engels, F. (1962) The Condition of the Working Class in England, London, Panther.

Flower, R. (1978) The Western Island, Oxford, Oxford University Press.

Harrington, M. (1962) The other America: Poverty in the United States, New York, Macmillan.

Healy, S. and Reynolds, B. (1988) ''The Christian Churches and the Poor" 'in Hanna, E. (Ed) Poverty in Ireland, Portlaoise, Social Study Conference.

Knox, P.L. (1975) Social Well-Being: A Spatial Perspective. London, Oxford University Press.

Mack, J. and Lansley, S. (1985) Poor Britain, London, George Allen & Unwin.

Mac Laughlin, J. (1991) "Social Characteristics of Recent Emigration from West Cork", Chimera, Cork, University College Cork.

O'Cinneide, S. (1970) A Law for the Poor: A Study of Home Assistance, in Ireland, Dublin, Institute of Public Administration.

O’Crohan, T. (1978) The Islandman, Oxford, Oxford University Press.

O'Crohan, T. (1986) Island Cross-Talk, Oxford, Oxford University Press.

Orwell, G. (1962) The Road to Wigan Pier, Harmonsworth, Penguin.

O'Tuama, S. (1991) "Community Action in Cork", Chimera, Cork, University College Cork.

Sayers, P. (1974) Peig, Dublin, Talbot Press.

Sayers, P. (1978) An Old Woman’s Reflections, Oxford, Oxford University Press.

Smith, D. M. (1979) Poverty in the United Kingdom: A Study of Household Resources and Standards of Living, Harmonsworth, Penguin.




