Chaos Into Order

Cartography and the Amorphous Blob


  • Ronan Foley UCC



maps, history, cartography


Some years ago while tutoring in the Geography Department of U.C.C., an irate second year student came up to me and said, 'Ronan, look what some bastard tutors' put as a comment on my cartography practical'. He pointed to a comment I had written beside his work implying that, despite his best efforts, his traffic flow map of European imports and exports still looked like a great amorphous blob! Needless to say I immediately blamed my brother, a fellow tutor at the time. Cartographic techniques have changed a lot since then and doubtless in a few years time students everywhere will be capable of creating amorphous blobs on computer screens as well. This paper will seek to outline some of the differences between traditional and computer-based cartography. It will also attempt to discuss some of the underlying assumptions about cartography itself, about the scientific and philosophical basis of cartographic data and about the future of the subject in the years when GIS (Geographic Information Systems) will rule the world


IDRISI; Graduate School of Geography, Clark University, 1985-90.

Bromley, R. & Coulson, M. (1989) 'The Value of Corporate GIS to-Local Authorities', Mapping Awareness, Vol.3, No.5. 5th November 1989.

Cassettari, S. (August 1989) 'Scaling the Heights', Geographical Magazine, Vol LXI, No. 8.

Drummond Commission, (1838) Atlas of 1838, Second Report of the Irish Railway Commissioners, London HMSO.

Harley, J.B. (1989) 'Historical Geography and the Cartographic Illusion', Journal of Historical Geography, Vol. 15, No. 1.

Morrison, J.C. (1980) 'Computer Technology and Cartographic Change’, in ORF Taylor (ed), The Computer in Contemporary Cartography.

Star, J & Estes, J. (1990) Geographic Information Systems: An Introduction, Prentice Hall.

Wiesbaden, (1972) Multilingual Dictionary of Technical Terms in Cartography, International Cartography Association.

Woody Allen, (1977) Annie Hall, United Artists. (1988) 'Interview with Sean Kelly, Winning - Bicycle Racing Illustrated, No.55, February 1988.





