Welcome and Acknowledgements
Dear Reader,
We are pleased to bring you a new issue of the Irish Journal of Public Policy. The journal was established to provide an electronic open access forum on public policy in a broad understanding of that term and drawing from a diverse range of disciplinary perspectives. We hope that this issue holds true to our mission. This is a period of enormous flux. Innovative ideas are demanded to help shape new approaches to public policy both in this time of crisis and into the future. We hope this journal plays some small role in that endeavour.
Being an open access journal we are part of a new policy wave in academic publishing. The profits we hope to generate are lively national and international debates on public policy. To achieve this we have an open call for papers, through which we continue to receive a healthy stream of contributions. Turning interest into publication requires a great deal of voluntary effort from the authors, from peer-reviewers and the busy volunteers associated with the journal here in Cork. We hope those efforts culminate in a journal that you find both stimulating and enjoyable.