André Bastian is teaching associate at Monash University (Education) and tutor for Spanish/German Languages and Cultures and Dramaturgy at The University of Melbourne. Bastian studied Performance Studies and Spanish Philology in Melbourne (Australia) and Granada (Spain) and has worked as theatre maker (director, dramaturge, author, translator) for many years. He earned his doctorate from Monash University in Melbourne (Australia, 2014) and completed his Masters of Teaching (LOTE & Drama) at the same university (2015). His recent books Staging Elfriede Jelinek: Poetics – Ethics – Politics (2016) and Elfriede Jelinek Goes Australia: Indigenising an Austrian Nobel Prize Winner (2017; ed. by A. Bastian) are based on the first staging of a work by Austrian Nobel Prize winner Elfriede Jelinek in Australia.
Melanie Bloom is an Associate Professor of Spanish at the University of Nebraska at Omaha, where she teaches courses in composition, performance, second language acquisition theory and directs internship programming. Her research interests include experiential learning, study abroad, the teaching and learning of culture, and world language pedagogy. Her most recent publication is a co-edited volume entitled Creating Experiential Learning Opportunities for Language Learners: Acting Locally while Thinking Globally.
Stefan Blutner (M. Ed., Freie Universität Berlin) unterrichtet derzeit in London Deutsch als Fremdsprache und beginnt in Kürze sein Referendariat in Berlin für die Fächer Spanisch und Englisch. Er gibt regelmäßig Lehrer*innenfortbildungen zu den Themen Medien- und Filmkompetenz, Aufgabenorientierung sowie Mehrsprachigkeit und Performativität. In seiner Masterarbeit hat er sich der Förderung von Sprachenbewusstheit in performativen Settings gewidmet. Im Jahr 2017 nahm er an der Scenario-Konferenz in Cork mit dem Workshop „Multilingualism performed! An intercultural spoken-word-project” teil.
Alexandra Hensel hat 1996-2002 Kulturwissenschaften mit Schwerpunkt Theater an der Universität Hildesheim studiert, war fünf Jahre in Madrid in der Festivalarbeit sowie als DaF-Lehrerin tätig und ist seit 2007 an der Universität Göttingen – Lektorat DaF beschäftigt. Derzeit promoviert sie zu dem Thema ‘Fremdsprachenunterricht als performativ-ästhetisches Ereignis‘.
Perihan Korkut is a teaching assistant at Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University, Turkey. She teaches English Language Teaching methodology and Drama in English Language Teaching courses at the Faculty of Education and also leads in-service teacher training courses. Her main research interests include mother tongue use in EFL, Drama, and classroom interaction.
Michael K. Legutke ist Professor Emeritus für die Didaktik der Englischen Sprache und Literatur an der Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen. Er war sieben Jahre Lehrer an einer integrierten Gesamtschule. Er hat als Fachberater für Deutsch im Pazifischen Nordwesten der USA Deutschlehrerinnen und Lehrer betreut und das Referat Fortbildung beim Goethe-Institut München geleitet. Seine Forschungsschwerpunkte sind neben der fremdsprachlichen Lehrerbildung der frühbeginnende Fremdsprachenunterricht sowie die Aufgabenorientierung und das Lernen in Projekten.
Erika Piazzoli is an Assistant Professor in Arts Education at Trinity College Dublin – The University of Dublin. Erika coordinates the Master in Education (MEd) programme and teaches within the Drama in Education and Language Education Strands of the programme.
Manfred Schewe is Professor at University College Cork (UCC) who has always had a keen interest in building bridges between different disciplines. His interdisciplinary teaching and research activities are closely linked to the SCENARIO PROJECT ( which aims at paving the way towards a new, performative teaching and learning culture. Prof. Schewe served as Head of UCC’s Department of German and UCC’s Department of Theatre; for further details click on the following link:
Tin Wegel is a Teaching Associate Professor in and the German Language Program Director of the Department of Germanic and Slavic Languages and Literatures at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Since 2007, she has been a content writer for two German college-level textbooks, Auf geht’s! and Weiter geht’s! In addition to teaching upper-division courses in German, she also directs theater plays with undergraduate students for the general public, most often staged in German, but also in English, with a particular focus on political plays.
Fionn Woodhouse is a director, producer and facilitator of drama/theatre with particular interest in youth participation and learning through practice. Currently he lectures on the Applied Drama & Theatre modules and Theatre Production modules in the Department of Theatre, University College Cork. His research has focused on the impact of participation in educational drama workshops. He is a board member of the Youth Theatre Ireland, the national development organisation for youth theatre. He is the co-founder of With an ‘F’ Productions theatre company that has toured shows both nationally and internationally.