About the Authors – Über die Autorinnen und Autoren

Volume XIV, Issue 1, 2020
© 2020, The Author(s). This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Angélique Arts works in the Modern Language Center at King’s College London in since 2006. She holds a MA in Educational Science and Sociology from the Technische Universität Berlin and a certificate in “Methods and Didactics for Teaching Foreign Languages” from the Goethe Institute. She taught German as a foreign language in Berlin and Slovenia before moving to London. Angélique is very enthusiastic about using games, creative writing and puppets as a teaching method. Her recent research interests include meaningful and effective feedback, exploratory practice in language teaching and using puppets in the classroom to overcome speaking anxiety. 

Email: angelique.arts@kcl.ac.uk

Bernard Dufeu studierte Germanistik in Rennes (Westfrankreich) und promovierte in Erziehungswissenschaften in Deutschland. Von 1966 bis 2006 war er wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Romanischen Seminar der Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität und arbeitete als Fremdsprachenlehrer, Phonetiker und Fremdsprachendidaktiker. Er entwickelt seit 1977 mit Marie Dufeu die Psychodramaturgie Linguistique (Sprachpsychodramaturgie, Psychodramaturgy for Language Acquisition), eine Spracherwerbsmethode, die unter anderem auf Grundlagen und Verfahren des Psychodramas der Dramaturgie und der Kommunikationswissenschaften beruht, die dem Fremdsprachenunterricht angepasst wurden. 

E-mail: dufeu@psychodramaturgie.org  

Susanne Even is Clinical Associate Professor of German in the Department of Germanic Studies at Indiana University. She trains and mentors graduate students in the art of foreign language teaching and teaches literature and culture courses. She holds a Ph.D. in German Language Teaching Research from University College Cork, Ireland, and is co-editor of SCENARIO. Her latest publication (co-authored with Dragan Miladinović and Barbara Schmenk) is Lernbewegungen inszenieren. Performative Ansätze in der Sprach-, Literatur- und Kulturdidaktik (2019).

Email: evens@indiana.edu

Katrin Geneuss is a research associate at the Research Centre for Values Education and Teacher Education program (Forschungsstelle für Werteerziehung und Lehrerbildung) at Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich, Germany. Her main focus in research and teaching are drama-tools for teaching first, second and foreign languages. She holds a PhD with a qualitative study of modelling educational live-roleplaying games as a curriculum-bound drama-tool in German lessons. Prior to her position at Munich university, she taught at Katedralskolan, Uppsala (2009-2016) and Bielefeld university / Oberstufenkolleg (2003-2008).  

Email: Katrin.Geneuss@germanistik.uni-muenchen.de   

Stefanie Giebert is a university language teacher ("Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben") for German as a Foreign Language and technical English at Konstanz University of Applied Sciences. She completed her PhD in English literature at Trier University and has been a practitioner in the field of foreign language theatre for more than 20 years. She discovered the area of Drama in Education some years later and founded e.g. the Business English Theatre - a project combining ESP and theatre - at Reutlingen University in 2009. Her current research interests are drama in teaching languages for special purposes, adapting texts of other genres for the stage and the attitudes of language teachers towards Drama in Education. 


Shruti Jain is an Associate Professor at the Global Languages Centre of the O.P.Jindal Global University, Sonipat, Haryana, India. She has been trained as a teacher of German as a Foreign Language at the Max Mueller Bhavan, Pune, India and the Goethe Institutes Munich and Berlin, Germany. She has received her PhD from the Centre of German Studies, School of Languages, Literature and Cultural Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India. Her intellectual interest lies in Comparative Philosophy, Cultural Studies focusing on Indo-German Encounters and  German as a Foreign Language.

Email: shruti@jgu.edu.in

Wendy K. Mages, an Associate Professor at Mercy College, earned a master’s and doctorate in Human Development and Psychology from the Harvard Graduate School of Education and a master’s in Theatre from Northwestern University. Her research investigating the effect of educational strategies and contexts on language, cognitive, and social development has been published in journals such as Review of Educational Research, Early Childhood Research Quarterly, Research in Drama Education, Youth Theatre Journal, and the International Journal of Education and the Arts, as well as in the Routledge International Handbook of Early Literacy Education.

Email: wmages@mercy.edu

Dragan Miladinović is College Language Teacher at the Department of German, UCC and Scenario book review editor. He is also working on his part-time PhD-research project on performative language teaching. Dragan's research interest lies in performative language pedagogy and critical applied linguistics.

Email: dragan.miladinovic@ucc.ie

Samuel Nfor is full-time English lecturer at Rikkyo University Tokyo, Japan. He holds an M.A. (theatre arts), an M.Ed. (applied linguistics) and is currently an external PhD candidate at Technical University Darmstadt, Germany. Prior to moving to Japan, he practiced protest theatre and appeared in many stage and television performances as an actor in his native Cameroon. He researches simulation-based EFL learning with a focus on how Japanese Model United Nations (MUN) student ‘delegates’ collaborate with students from diversified linguistic backgrounds in order to develop a deeper understanding of current world issues and improve their intercultural discourse competence ability.

Email: nfor.samuel@rikkyo.ac.jp

Fabian Obster works at the statistical consulting unit (StaBlab) at  
LudwigMaximilians-University in Munich. He studied business mathematics, as well as statistics and Mathematics in Data Science at the Technical University of Munich. His main research areas are algorithms of machine learning as well as their applications in the social sciences, where he also works in cooperation with the Bundeswehr University Munich. 

Email: fabian.obster@stablab.stat.uni-muenchen.de

Gabriele Ruppert studied German and Music at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität and the University of Music and Performing Arts in Munich which she completed with the teacher’s degree Erstes Staatsexamen in 2019. From 2017-2019, she was a student research assistant with Katrin Geneuss in the project Language promotion and development of social competences through live action role-play at the department for German didactics. Currently she is working as a foreign language assistant for learners of German at St. Clement Danes School in Hertfordshire, Great Britain. 

Email: G.Ruppert@campus.lmu.de

Manfred Schewe is Professor Emeritus at University College Cork (UCC). He served as Head of UCC’s Department of German and as Head of UCC’s Department of Theatre and holds the title UCC Teaching Fellow in recognition of his significant contribution to the scholarship of teaching and learning. His interdisciplinary teaching and research activities are closely linked to the SCENARIO PROJECT and aim at paving the way towards a new, performative teaching and learning culture. For further details: http://research.ucc.ie/profiles/A016/mschewe

Email: m.schewe@ucc.ie

Maik Walter ist Fremdsprachendidaktiker, Theaterpädagoge und Lehrwerksautor. Als Direktor einer Berliner Volkshochschule leitet er zudem den Programmbereich Politik, Gesellschaft und Theater. Zahlreiche Publikationen zur DaF-Didaktik, Theaterpädagogik und Linguistik. Aktueller Arbeitsschwerpunkt sind die Performativen Ansätze, insbesondere der Einsatz von Theatermethoden im Fremdsprachenunterricht.

Email: maik@zedat.fu-berlin.de

Andreas Wirag studied English and Spanish (secondary-school teaching degree) at Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg i. Brsg. He took part in study exchanges to Spain (Universidad de Granada) and England (Anglia Ruskin University). He completed his teacher education in Baden-Baden and worked as a teacher at grammar school and vocational school. He was a research assistant at the English Department of the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg i. Brsg. and the Graduate School “Teaching and Learning Processes” (UpGrade) at the Universität Koblenz-Landau. At present he is research assistant for the project (third-party-funds) “Bühne frei: Schulische Bildungsangebote im Bereich Darstellendes Spiel und ihre Wirkung auf die Persönlichkeitsentwicklung.“

Email: andreas.wirag@uni-goettingen.de

© 2020, The Author(s). This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.