About the Authors - Über die Autorinnen und Autoren

Volume III, Issue 2, 2009
© 2009, The Author(s). This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Jaime Beck is a graduate student in the department of Language and Literacy Education at the University of British Columbia. Jaime has taught English Language Arts at the high school level in Canada and English as a Second Language at all levels internationally. Her research interests include research-based theatre, performative inquiry, narrative inquiry, drama across the curriculum, teacher attrition, and teacher induction and mentorship. Jaime has shared her passion and interest for these and other topics at local, national, and international conferences.

Email: jaimebeck@yahoo.com

George Belliveau is Associate Professor in the Faculty of Education at the University of British Columbia where he teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in Theatre/Drama Education.  His research interests include research-based theatre, drama and social justice (bullying), drama and L2 learning, drama across the curriculum, and Canadian theatre. His work has been published in journals such as International Journal of Education and the Arts, Arts and Learning Research Journal, Canadian Journal of Education, English Quarterly, Theatre Research in Canada, Canadian Theatre Review, Active Learning in Higher Education, among others. His co-authored book with Lynn Fels Exploring curriculum: performative inquiry, role drama and learning (2008) is published by Pacific Educational Press.

Email: george.belliveau@ubc.ca

Susanne Even is co-editor of SCENARIO. www.indiana.edu/~germanic/faculty/even.html

Email: evens@indiana.edu

Kelly Kingsbury is a Ph.D. candidate in Curriculum & Instruction: World Language Education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where she also teaches intermediate Spanish. Prior to her doctoral studies, Kingsbury received her MA in Spanish Literature at the University of Notre Dame (2002) and subsequently taught there for a number of years, during which she created the Spanish Theatre Workshop course and directed a number of productions including El viejo celoso (Cervantes), El retablo de las maravillas (Cervantes), Fuenteovejuna (Lope de Vega) and La fuente de los sauces (Briones Alcalá). She most recently participated in a production of Entre Pancho Villa y una mujer desnuda (Berman) at the UW-Madison in the role of Gina.

Email: kingsbury@wisc.edu

Graham Lea is a MA student in the Department of Language and Literacy Education at the University of British Columbia.  He has presented and published on research-based theatre, theatre and additional language learning, Prince Edward Island theatre history, and Shakespeare in elementary classrooms as well as being involved in the creation and
production of four research-based theatre productions.  As a high-school teacher he has taught computer science, math, English, and theatre in Canada and Kenya.  He has extensive experience as a theatre practitioner both on and off the stage.  Research interests include research-based theatre methodology, integration of science and art in education, international education, and Prince Edward Island theatre history.

Bettina Matthias is Associate Professor of German and Chair of the German Department at Middlebury College (VT). Her research on Austrian and German 20th century literature has resulted in two books and numerous articles; her research interest in theater in language education has developed over the past seven years and is the direct result of her practical work with German language theater. The founder and director of Middlebury’s German Theater Group, she has directed over a dozen productions and won the “Deutsches Theaterfest at Mt. Holyoke College” five times. In addition, Matthias is on the faculty of Middlebury’s German Summer Language School where she teaches German for Singers and Vocal Coaches.

Email: bmatthia@middlebury.edu

Manfred Schewe is co-editor of SCENARIO. www.ucc.ie/german/schewe

Email: m.schewe@ucc.ie

Christian Schmitt-Kilb holds a professorship in ‘Anglistische Literaturwissenschaft’ at the University of Rostock. Apart from articles on contemporary drama, fiction and poetry, he has published a book on Poetics and Rhetorics in Early Modern England and has just finished another one on the theme of absent fathers in contemporary fiction.

Email: christian.schmitt-kilb@uni-rostock.de

Uta Schorlemmer studierte Germanistik, Polonistik und Theaterwissenschaft in Berlin, Paris und Krakau und promovierte über den polnischen Regisseur Krystian Lupa. Als Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin arbeitete sie am GWZO/Universität Leipzig an einem Forschungsprojekt über Tadeusz Kantor, war Lehrbeauftragte an der Universität Bern sowie Geschaeftsführerin am Theater 89 in Berlin und Dramaturgin am Züricher Theater Spektakel. Sie ist seit siebzehn Jahren freiberuflich als Theaterpädagogin tätig und seit 2008 Adjunct Professor of German am Occidental College Los Angeles.

Email: us@schorlemmer.net

Barbara Sinisi studierte Anglistik und Germanistik in Rom, im Jahre 2005 promovierte sie in Pavia mit einer Dissertation über die Penthesilea von H. v. Kleist. Sie beschäftigt sich sowohl mit Literatur (Forschungsschwerpunkte: Kleist, literarische Moderne und DDR-Literatur) als auch mit Linguistik und Methodik der Fremdsprachendidaktik, insbesondere mit der Rolle literarischer Texte im DaF-Unterricht. Zwischen 2005 und 2008 übernahm sie Lehreraufträge als DaF-Dozentin und als Dozentin für deutsche Linguistik an der Università di Cassino und an der Università Siena-Arezzo. Zwischen 2006 und 2008 absolvierte sie das Referendariat an der SSIS-Toscana und ist seitdem auch als Gymnasiallehrerin für Englisch und Deutsch tätig.

Email: barbarasinisi@hotmail.com

Amanda Wager is a PhD student at the University of British Columbia in the Department of Language and Literacy Education. Working as an educator she has taught English to multiple age groups in Holland, the United States, Peru, and currently in Canada. At conferences she has presented on research-based theatre, additional language learning, and the power of Reader’s Theatre in the bilingual classroom. Her research interests include additional language(s) acquisition, theatre/drama education, arts-based research, social justice, and multicultural education. Her passion lies in using theatre and drama to bridge cultural divides.

Email: wageramanda@gmail.com

© 2009, The Author(s). This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.