
Volume V, Issue 1, 2011
© 2011, The Author(s). This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Fiona Dalziel graduated in History and Russian Studies at the University of Leeds, where one of her most memorable experiences was acting in a one-act play by Chekhov. She is now assistant professor of English Language and Applied Linguistics at the Arts and Humanities Faculty of the University of Padua and is a coordinator of the European Language Portfolio (ELP) project for CercleS (Confédération Européenne des Centres de Langues de l'Enseignement Supérieur). She was co-founder of the university’s English Drama Workshop and is actively involved in the project. Her research interests lie in the role of the ELP in promoting metacognitive learning strategies and learner autonomy, learner corpus analysis and academic discourse.


Bara Dockalova is the founder and director of Jeviste, a small language school in Prague that teaches foreign languages through drama and theatre to students of all ages. She writes original EFL scripts with songs for children. In 2007, her method act and speak® was adopted by Zakladni skola Marjanka (a state primary and middle school in Prague) and incorporated into its curriculum. Bara Dockalova organizes festivals and competitions for schools and drama workshops for teachers. She has taught methodology courses and drama in EFL courses at the Department of English Language and Literature at the Faculty of Education, Charles University, Prague. In 2009 she was the initiator and organizer of Divadlo jazyku (Theatre of Languages), a Czech national festival and conference devoted to drama and theatre in language learning. She is currently preparing the second edition of the event.


Gerd Koch, Dr. phil., Dipl.-Päd., Professor für Theorie und Praxis der Sozialen Kulturarbeit (unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Theater) von 1981 – 2006; wissenschaftlicher Leiter des Master-Studiengangs „Biographical and Creative Writing“ an der Alice-Salomon-Hochschule Berlin bis zum Frühjahr 2010; Vorsitzender der Gesellschaft für Theaterpädagogik e. V., Mit-Herausgeber der Zeitschrift für Theaterpädagogik – KORRESPONDENZEN; mit Marianne Streisand Herausgeber: Wörterbuch der Theaterpädagogik. Berlin, Milow 2003; Mit-Herausgeber: Differenz und Soziale Arbeit. Berlin, Milow 2003, Theaterarbeit in sozialen Feldern/Theatre Work in Social Fields. Frankfurt am Main 2004, „Können uns und euch und niemand helfen“. Die Mahagonnysierung der Welt. Frankfurt am Main 2006, Ohne Körper geht nichts. Lernen in neuen Kontexten. Uckerland 2011 (2. unveränd. Aufl.)


Stefanie Giebert holds a PhD in English literature from Trier University. Her research interests include drama pedagogical approaches in language teaching and fantastic literature. She has been active as a member in several student theatre groups since 1998, a director and writer since 2004, and the manager/director of the Business English Theatre Project at Reutlingen University since 2009.


Brigitte Hahn-Michaeli arbeitete nach dem Lehramtsstudium an der Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Universität in Frankfurt/Main für die Goethe-Institute Frankfurt und Tel Aviv. Seit 1991 ist sie Senior Teaching Associate und Coordinator of German Studies im Department of Humanities & Arts am Technion – Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa, Israel. Ihre Forschungsschwerpunkte sind die Vermittlung von Deutsch als Fremdsprache durch Einbeziehung dramapädagogischer Elemente in multikulturellen und –linguistischen Lerngruppen sowie Mehrsprachigkeit.


Almut Küppers is a teacher trainer and researcher at Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Germany, and works at the Institute for English and American Studies in the English Didactics Department. Her teaching and research interests include Educational Drama, FL Reading Research and Literature,  Inter-/Transcultural Learning, and Teacher Education in Europe. She is currently on sabbatical and lives with her family in Istanbul, Turkey, where she is an associate of Istanbul Üniversitesi and involved in a EU funded research project called “Multilingual Virtual Talking Books” which aims to enhance language awareness through electronic storytelling in different languages (English, German, Turkish and Spanish). She has worked and taught in England, the USA, and Germany and has edited “Inszenierungen im Fremdsprachenunterricht” (Braunschweig: Diesterweg, 2011) together with Maik Walter and Torben Schmidt.


Mary Noonan Mary Noonan is Lecturer in French at University College Cork, where she teaches modern and contemporary French theatre and theories of performance. She has published widely in the field of contemporary French theatre, including chapters and articles on the theatres of Samuel Beckett, Nathalie Sarraute, Marguerite Duras, Hélène Cixous and Noëlle Renaude. In 2005, she organized an international conference at UCC entitled The Contemporary French Theatre: Writing, Performing, Teaching, in which French playwrights, directors and actors participated.

Birgit Oelschläger arbeitet seit langem als Theaterpädagogin, Deutschlehrerin und Fortbilderin für das Goethe-Institut im In- und Ausland. Sie war und ist an der Konzeption und Umsetzung des PASCH-Projekts beteiligt und für die Lehrerfortbildung verantwortlich. In diesem und letztem Jahr ist sie außerdem beim Schülertheaterwettbewerb des Goethe-Instituts Kiew als Theaterpädagogin tätig.


Anna Santucci graduated in Foreign Languages and Literatures at the University of Padua in 2009, where she took part in English Drama Workshop for three years. Her BA dissertation involved translating the short story by Elisabeth Gaskell Curious, if True into Italian. She is currently completing an MA in English Literature at the University of Nottingham. Her research interests are Drama, Nineteenth-Century Literature and Literary Translation.


Manfred Schewe, founder and co-editor of SCENARIO, is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of German at University College Cork (UCC), Ireland, where he also teaches in the Department of Drama and Theatre Studies. His diverse research activities, focusing on innovative connections between the performing arts and foreign/second language education are complemented by consultancies, master classes, workshops and lectures for universities and cultural institutes in different parts of the world. For further information see his staff page at:


Barbara Schmenk is an Associate professor of German at the University of Waterloo, Canada, specialising in foreign language education. She is the German language program coordinator, teaches all levels of undergraduate and graduate students and is responsible for teacher training. Her research includes books and articles on language and gender, autonomy, drama pedagogy, and critical literacy.


Giampaolo Spedo studied English and Dutch Literature at the University of Padua, where he graduated in 2005 with a thesis on a bilingual Dutch author, Gerard Reve. During his doctorate studies, he spent one semester on a scholarship at Boston University, and earned the title of Dottore di Ricerca at the University of Padua in 2009, with the thesis ‘The Plot against the Past: An Exploration of Alternate History in British and American Fiction’. His interests include history, literary theory, modern literatures (including non-canonical genres such as comics and graphic novels), translation.


Sigrid Unterstab ist Leiterin und Inhaberin von Wortspiel-Berlin: Sie verbindet in Kursen und Lehrerfortbildungsseminaren Deutschlernen und Theaterspiel. Sie leitet in Deutschland und weltweit für das Goethe-Institut, Schulen, Museen und Universitäten Deutschkurse, Theaterworkshops und Lehrerfortbildungsseminare zu verschiedenen Themen. Seit 2008 leitet sie regelmäßig Theaterworkshops an italienischen und portugiesischen Schulen und arbeitete 2010 und 2011 in der Jury des Nationalen Wettbewerbs "In scena col tedesco - Mit Deutsch auf die Bühne" und der begleitenden Lehrerfortbildung zum Sprachenfestival "lingue in scena - Sprachen in Szene" in Turin/Italien mit. 2011 begleitete sie Gruppen bei der Erarbeitung der Wettbewerbsbeiträge und leitete bei den Schülertheatertreffen "Théâtrallemand vôtre" in Paris und "Almão em Cena" in Almada / Portugal Schülerworkshops und Generalproben.


© 2011, The Author(s). This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.