Über die Autorinnen und Autoren - About the authors

Volume VII, Issue 2, 2013
© 2013, The Author(s). This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Sean Aita is Associate Professor at the Arts University at Bournemouth teaching on the undergraduate and MA courses in theatre/performance. He is also a professional director with over twenty five years experience of producing theatre in educational and community contexts. Research interests include theatre-in-language learning, rural theatre practice, and performance pedagogy.  Publications include papers in Research in Drama Education, the Journal of Arts and Communities, and the Canadian Journal of Practice Based Research in Theatre. His chapter on performance in motion capture environments in Aaron Taylor’s (ed)  Theorising Film Acting is available in the Routledge ‘advances in film studies’ series.

Email: saita@aub.ac.uk

Logamurthie Athiemoolam is senior lecturer in the Faculty of Education at the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University in Port Elizabeth (South Africa), where he mentors student teachers to teach English at home and first additional language and presents modules in multicultural education, English language proficiency and language across the curriculum. His fields of research are English second language teaching, drama-in-education and multicultural education. He has co-edited a book on drama-in-education with Professor Wolfgang Nitsch from the University of Oldenburg in Germany. Currently he is Head of the ACE-LLT (Language in Learning and Teaching) Programme.

Email: logamurthie.athiemoolam@nmmu.ac.za

George Belliveau is Associate Professor at the University of British Columbia, Canada where he teaches Theatre/Drama Education. His research interests include research-based theatre, drama and social justice (bullying), drama and L2 learning, drama across the curriculum, and Canadian theatre.  His most recent book, Discovering Shakespeare: Children, drama, and literacy, will be published by Pacific Educational Press in 2014.

Email: george.belliveau@ubc.ca

Ursula Christine Bünger unterrichtet als Deutschlehrerin am Liceo Linguistico "Giovanni Verga" in Modica (Ragusa, Sizilien) und ist weiterhin als Tutorin für die italienweite Fortbildung in Mehrsprachigkeit POSEIDON tätig. Ihre Forschungsinteressen betreffen den Europäischen Referenzrahmen, Theater im Fremdsprachenunterricht, sowie psycholinguistische Themen. Ihre Artikel befassen sich mit diesen Themen, sowie mit Lesen im Fremdsprachenunterricht. Sie war zu Forschungszwecken an der Technischen Universität Berlin, kurzzeitig am Herder-Institut Leipzig und für drei Monate als Visiting Scholar an der University of California, Berkeley tätig.

Email: urbunger@web.de

Micha Fleiner lehrt und forscht im Rahmen eines binational strukturierten Graduiertenprogrammes am German Department des University College Cork in Irland sowie am Institut für Romanistik der Pädagogischen Hochschule Freiburg in Deutschland. Seine Forschungsschwerpunkte liegen im Bereich der Sprach-, Literatur- und Kulturdidaktik mit besonderem Bezug zu performativ-ästhetischen Formen des Lehrens und Lernens.

Email: micha@michafleiner.de

Won Kim is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Language & Literacy Education at the University of British Columbia, Canada. He is also an ESL educator for adult learners. His research interests are classroom discourse, literacy engagement, L2 pedagogy, and using drama and authentic materials in L2 learning. His doctoral research focuses on the role of drama in adult ESL classrooms and has presented at various local/international conferences in second language education.

Email: lakewon@gmail.com

Alkistis Κοndoyianni (Άλκηστις Κοντογιάννη, widely known as simply «Άλκηστις» / “Alkistis”), PhD, is a Professor of Drama in Education at the Department of Theatre Studies, and Chair thereof, of the School of Fine Arts of the University of Peloponnese in Greece. She has also taught for fifteen years in three departments of the University of Thessaly, namely these of Early Childhood-, Special-, and Museum Education. She participates in research groups and gives numerous lectures and workshops in Greece and abroad. She is the well-acclaimed author of thirty-nine books for children and educators.

Email: alkis28@otenet.gr

Antonios Lenakakis (Αντώνιος Λενακάκης) is a Lecturer of Drama/Theatre Pedagogy at the Faculty of Education of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in Greece. He holds a doctorate from the Department of Drama/Theatre Pedagogy of the Faculty of Performing Arts of the University of Arts in Berlin, a graduate degree from the Department of Sports Psychology of the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the Universität Gesamthochscule Essen, and a graduate degree from the Department of Primary Education of the University of Crete. He has authored the book Paedagogus Ludens - Erweiterte Handlungskompetenz von Lehrer(inne)n durch Spiel- und Theaterpädagogik.

Email: alen@nured.auth.gr

Lawarn Sirisrimangkorn is currently a Ph.D. candidate in School of English, Institute of Social Technology, Suranaree University of Technology (SUT), Thailand. After receiving an M.A in English Language Studies from SUT, she has become an English language lecturer at Nakhon Ratchasima Rajabhat University (NRRU), Thailand. Her research interests are drama in EFL, English speaking skills, and affective factors.

Email: lawarnn@hotmail.com

Jitpanat Suwanthep is a lecturer in English at Suranaree University of Technology (SUT), Thailand. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA. Currently, she is the graduate testing coordinator for the SUT English Proficiency Test. Her interests are second language writing, ESP curriculum development and e-learning.

Email: jitpanat@sut.ac.th

Nikos Tsiotsos (Νίκος Τσιώτσιος) is the Headmaster of the 9th Primary Education School of Serres in Greece. He holds a Degree in Education from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, a Master of Science in Social Sciences from the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom, and a Master of Education in Drama and Creative Arts in Education from the University of Exeter. He also works as a Drama Trainer in Teachers’ Retraining Programmes, and is a member of the HIPPO theatre group. He has authored two books on the teaching of geometry and mathematics in primary school.

Email: nikostt2@gmail.com

Maik Walter absolvierte das Studium der Fächer Deutsch und Mathematik für das gymnasiale Lehramt und das Zusatzstudium Deutsch als Fremdsprache an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Dort war er anschließend als Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter tätig, bevor er zunächst für fünf Jahre an die Freie Universität und zum Institut für Deutsche Sprache nach Mannheim wechselte. In seiner Dissertation konzipierte er ein DaF-Lernerkorpus. Daneben leitet er als Theaterpädagoge Workshops und Fortbildungen im In- und Ausland und organisiert Theaterprojekte, wobei er Fremdsprachenvermittlung und Theaterarbeit verbindet. Dies führte 2009 zur Gründung von Textbewegung: Theater und Sprache (www.textbewegung.de).

Email: walter@textbewegung.de

© 2013, The Author(s). This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.