Welcome. UCC has a proud tradition of academic and student-led publication. Below you will find links to some examples of current UCC-based Open Access journals.
The Boolean: Snapshots of Doctoral Research at University College Cork
The Boolean is an online postgraduate journal whose aim is to highlight the exciting and diverse range of doctoral research carried out at University College Cork for a general audience.
There are over 1000 doctoral students registered at UCC, conducting research in almost every field of academia. The Boolean provides these students with a forum to describe their research and share their passion and curiosity with the general public and wider university community.
Journal submissions are in the form of short papers, which are evaluated according to intelligibility and coherence for non-technical readers during the peer-review process.
Scenario: A Journal of Performative Teaching, Learning, Research
SCENARIO, founded in 2007, is a fully peer-reviewed journal for Performative Teaching, Learning, Research.
SCENARIO publishes contributions mainly in the international lingua franca English in order to reach the widest possible readership. However, we aim to promote linguistic diversity in education. SCENARIO started as a bilingual (English-German) journal, since 2024 we have begun to publish in Italian and French. Thanks to the expertise and voluntary commitment of co-editors and guest editors who represent these languages, we are fortunately in a position to do so.
SCENARIO welcomes contributions with a focus on aspects of performative teaching and learning in different pedagogical contexts and disciplines, especially in the field of foreign/second languages, including the literatures and cultures associated with these languages.
The journal is the main pillar of the Scenario Project which encompasses a book series and a forum for conferences, symposia and colloquia; for further details on events and initiatives that aim to promote international exchange and collaboration visit the Scenario Project homepage at: https://www.ucc.ie/en/scenario/
SCENARIO is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.
In 2024 the Scenario Project received University College Cork's Research Award for Open Science 2023, and the Irish Open Access Publishers (IOAP) Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Open Access Publishing Field in Ireland.
As a journal based at University College Cork (UCC), SCENARIO adheres to UCC's policies in relation to Research Ethics and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI). -
Chimera: U.C.C. Geographical Journal
Chimera is the mysterious successor to Axis 116 and Platform and completes a trinity of journal titles for the Student Geographical Society. Yet it too conjures up a whole series of images geographical. Chimera challenges the myth that students today are only concerned with self-advancement and the rigours of lecture and examination hall.
Chimera is a postgraduate geography journal that incorporates interdisciplinary perspectives in exploring the world spatially
Irish Journal of Public Policy
The Irish Journal of Public Policy is a peer-reviewed journal with the goal of providing an electronic open access forum for politics, political science, government, public policy and public administration.
Irish Journal of Anthropology
The Irish Journal of Anthropology is a publication of the Anthropological Association of Ireland. The journal seeks to highlight work from anthropology and a range of related disciplines such as archaeology, cultural studies, development studies, folklore studies, Gaeilge, Irish studies, and sociology.
UCC Student Medical Journal
The UCC SMJ provides students with an opportunity to connect with the greater research community at UCC. This is a platform for students to showcase their work, as well as introduce them to the peer reviewing process. Our goal is to create a space for students to ask critical questions, with the ultimate aim of fostering more well-rounded future healthcare professionals.