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Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • In the instance that AI was used in a generative capacity in the creation of the submission, the AI software has been appropriately credited as a co-author.

Please download the following documents for detailed instructions on: submitting your article, linking your ORCiD ID to your submission, and receiving article feedback.


Any submissions that use AI in a generative capacity, particularly in the creation of submission text or graphics, will be required to list the AI software used as a co-author on the submission. Authors will be prompted to confirm that they have made the appropriate attributions before submitting their article for consideration. 
Lead authors will be limited to two (2) submissions per article category (i.e. 2 reviews, 2 original research, 2 abstracts, etc.).
  • Read through Preparing Your Paper and Submission Requirements to ensure your piece fits our guidelines.

  • Upload your piece in accordance with our Submission Template (above). Note, please provide separate pages for tables and figures. 

  • Upload your Co-Author Approval Form



All papers should be compiled in the following order (except Ethical Discussions and Elective Experiences):  title page; abstract; main text introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion; acknowledgments; declaration of interest statement; references; appendices (if needed); tables and figures with captions (on separate pages). Please note there is a limit of 5 tables and 5 figures to be included in the main text. Any tables or figures in excess of the limit will be included in the appendix.

We want to note that this journal accepts negative findings. However, all submissions must be well structured and thoughtfully analyzed regardless of the conclusions drawn. 

Word Limits

Please review the Submission Requirements section for word limit regarding the specific category you are submitting to.


The abstract should be submitted in the following format, and not exceed more than 250 words: 

  • Background 

  • Methods 

  • Results 

  • Conclusion 


The introduction should provide a comprehensive background to the piece, building from relevant literature and explaining the research question to be addressed. Authors should avoid apparent opinions and quotation of literature. 


The methods section should give a clear and documented design or strategy directed towards a specific research question. This section should describe and account for the study design, the criteria for selecting the sample and recruitment to the study, data collection, data analysis, and details of interventions if applicable. This section should also include details of approval from a named research ethics committee. Additionally, all CREC/SREC approval numbers should be provided. 


The results section should hold all the information needed by the reader to evaluate the validity of the conclusions. This section should include a description of the sample included in the study along with its characteristics. For quantitative studies, include details of response rates and numbers lost to follow up. Analysis should be clear and systematic, with results of statistical tests reported with measures of central tendency (mean, median) and error estimates (e.g. SEM).


The discussion section should be structured, with the recommendation to cover the following sections (using subheadings if preferred): Summary of main findings; strengths and limitations of the study; how and why it agrees with existing literature, in particular including any papers published since the study was designed and carried out; the implications for future research or clinical practice.



Note: Submissions >15% over word count will be rejected. Please ensure your piece meets all requirements before submission. 

Original Student Research

  • Description: Original clinical, laboratory or other research conducted by students, including Final Year Projects.

  • Required Sections: Title, Abstract, Introduction, Materials & Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements (if applicable), References.

  • Word Count: 2500 (plus 250 word abstract).

  • References: Maximum 30.


Review Articles 

  • Description: Formal reviews of the literature surrounding important and interesting medical topics.

  • Required Sections: Title, Abstract, Introduction, Body Text, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements (if applicable), References.

  • Word Count: 2000 (plus 250 word abstract).

  • References: Maximum 30.


  • Description: A summary of the central points of your research project. It should address any implications of your findings to your relevant field.  

  • Required Sections: Title, Background, Methods, Results, Conclusion, References (if required).

  • Word Count: 250

  • References: Maximum 5


Case Reports

  • Description: Articles detailing a single interesting patient case and the case outcome.

  • Required Sections: Title, Abstract, Case Background, Case Details, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements (if applicable), References.

  • Word Count: 1250 (plus 250 word abstract).

  • References: Maximum 15.

  • Please submit in paragraph format. 

  • Please note that while we are not expecting each case report submitted to be an entirely novel finding, efforts should be made to explain why the case is noteworthy and worth reporting on.
  • Case reports will also be required to confirm that permission was sought from the patient in question, both on the Co-Author Permission Form and in the submission text

Elective Experience

  • Description: An opportunity to share your experience from medical related experience abroad. Could include an overseas research, medical elective or volunteering experience. (Surgeon Noonan, AMSI, WHO etc). May include discussion of cultural differences experienced, differences in medical practice, personal anecdotes and insights gained. Accompanying photographs are encouraged.

  • Required Section: Title, Body Text, Acknowledgements (if applicable), References (if required).

  • Word Count: 600

  • Recommended References: Not necessary.

Ethical Discussions

  • Description: Discuss the role of ethical principles in health care and their implications. Could further discuss ethical decision-making process from your past experiences.

  • Required Section: Title, Body Text, Acknowledgements (if applicable), References (if required).

  •  Word Count: 1000

  • References: Maximum 15


Special Edition Submissions

  • Description: This section provides an opportunity for UCC Societies to contribute to the SMJ from the perspective of their society's area of interest. Articles can be presented in multiple formates (e.g. literature review, ethical discussion, opinion piece, etc.) as long as they are adherent to the Special Edition Theme
  • Required Sections: Title, Abstract, Body Text, Acknowledgements (if applicable), References (if required)
  • Word Count: 1000-2000
  • References: Maximum 30

Updated: 18-Sept-2024

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.