
  • UCC Student Medical Journal
    Vol. 4 (2024)

    The UCC Student Medical Journal's 4th edition is here! We are excited to present the hard work of UCC medical students, ranging from original research, case reports, systematic reviews to medical exchange experiences.

    This edition also boasts the SMJ's first ever special feature, highlighting the emerging field of personalized medicine. A diverse array of UCC Medical Societies have provided their thoughts on what personalized medicine means in their individual disciplines, and have showcased innovative technologies that are advancing individualized care.

    Thank you to our authors, faculty reviewers, SMJ team and Medical Research and Technology Committee for their contributions to this exciting new edition!

  • UCC Student Medical Journal
    Vol. 3 (2023)

    The third edition of the SMJ was published in September of 2023 and features an outstanding collection of student work. With yet another successful publication, we earnestly hope that as a society we have contributed in enabling research to be within a students’ reach instead of an unexplored abyss. UCC MRT and the Student Medical Journal team wish you a joyous and intriguing read and we'll see you at our next publication.

  • UCC Student Medical Journal
    Vol. 2 (2021)

    The second edition of the SMJ was released in 2021. The onset of the pandemic marked a despondent time for most of us, and the second edition of the Student Medical Journal brings with it the transition to another year of hope and prosperity. The journal team believes that nothing marks a better illustration of transition than the renaissance period. Likewise, medical research has always been an intimidating and an out-of-reach concept. We hope that through this publication, we can further encourage student involvement in research and lift uncertainties in young researchers. 

  • UCC Student Medical Journal
    Vol. 1 (2019)

    The first edition of the UCC Student Medical Journal was released in 2019 just before the COVID-19 pandemic. During a time of great uncertainty, we are proud to provide this opportunity for students to share their thoughts on the current and future status of healthcare. Our experiences and insights help us grow in our understanding of humanity, which is where quality research questions lie. This edition discusses the ethical dilemmas arising from the first pandemic in a century, travels to all parts of the world to inquire about global equity, and reviews critical questions at the forefront of medicine.