Emerging areas of personalized medicine in Obstetrics and Gynaecology: a narrative review
personalized medicine, precision medicine, narrative reviewAbstract
Importance: Obstetrics and gynaecology (OBGYN) focuses on women’s reproductive health. Many significant challenges in the field of OBGYN stem from limitations in screening, diagnostic, or treatment options. Conditions that are poorly understood, such as pre-eclampsia or endometriosis offer few management options or prevention strategies. In recent years, growing interest and advancements in personalized medicine have led to a deeper understanding of the aetiology and pathophysiology of OBGYN conditions, potential targets for intervention, and novel approaches to management. The aim of this review is to briefly describe some of these emerging areas of research and clinical use.
Observations: Personalized medicine in obstetrics is a foundational concept underlying routine prenatal care and also drives ongoing research in areas such as advanced assisted reproductive technology, screening for medical complications during pregnancy, and fetal treatment in utero of congenital diseases. In gynaecology, developments in our understanding of determinants and mechanisms of common conditions have illuminated potential avenues for improved diagnosis and more individualized approaches to treatment of endometriosis and postmenopausal symptoms.
Conclusions and Relevance: Personalized medicine is a flourishing area of research and clinical application with the potential for significant benefits to OBGYN patients. This concept has driven research interest and advancement in OBGYN disease processes that are poorly understood and offers potential novel diagnostic and treatment options for the future. With endless potential to improve the health outcomes of women and children, personalized approaches to screening, diagnosis, and management are worthwhile investments.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Roxanne H. Leung, Alyssa Belfiore, Hannah Whibbs, Emma Wilson, Hoyang Seo, Sydney Rotman

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