Who is the cool kid? Biomarkers to help treat newborn brain injury
Imagine the birth of a child and you might picture a scene from a movie. A frantic sequence of events culminating in that last big push when the camera focuses on the faces of overjoyed, yet overwhelmed parents. Within seconds it is all over, calmness descends as the newborn child is safely placed in the arms of its loving family. Unfortunately child birth is not always like the movies. In fact, 20 in every 1000 infants can have complications during delivery and need resuscitation after birth. Instead of the typical ‘movie scene’ birth scenario, the experience can be terrifying and distressing for parents. Delivering the baby is now an emergency and a main concern for the doctor is that the baby might be deprived of oxygen. A world of uncertainty has suddenly been opened. Oxygen deprivation is serious because it can interrupt the blood supply to the baby’s brain causing ...Published
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