Submission Preparation Checklist
All submissions must meet the following requirements.
- Your contributions are accessible to general public outside of your discipline. We recommend you to provide a short summary of approximately 50 -100 words in "At glance" section and the maximum length of title would be 10 words.
- Your submission uses The Boolean's style sheet and fits the basic structural requirements for the journal.
- Your submission is no longer than 6 pages (~2500 words) in its entirety, including references.
- There are no more than 10 references in your Further Reading section, and all references mentioned here are cited in the text in Harvard style.
- Authors should provide a short bio of no more than 100 words.
- Authors have acquired permission from supervisors to publish this manuscript in The Boolean and you have submitted the mandatory signed Author-Supervisor Form alongside your submission.
- Permission has been obtained for the use of copyrighted material from other sources (including the Internet).
- A declaration of interest statement is included at the end of your submission, even if there are no competing interests to declare.
- Your submission adheres to the values and pricinples of The Boolean outlined in the Journal Policies document.
- You agree to act as reviewer alongside a member of staff or the editorial team for a submission other than your own.
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