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Author Guidelines

Teachers, scholars, theatre professionals, drama educators, and drama education researchers involved with the teaching and learning of second and foreign languages are invited to submit papers to SCENARIO. Contributors will shape and intensify the debate around the role of drama and theatre as well as performative arts in the teaching and learning of languages, literatures, and cultures.

Deadlines for submissions:

  • January 30th: earliest publication in Summer of the same year 
  • July 30th: earliest publication in Winter of the same year

Both theoretical papers and reports on practical projects in line with the journal's profile are welcome. Please note: We do our best to ensure a swift review, however, the above dates are the earliest options and peer and editorial review may take longer. 


We strongly advise all authors who choose to write in a language they have less experience with to have their manuscript proof-read by someone with experience in writing academic papers in that language before submission. This will increase the chances of the paper being accepted by the reviewers.

Before submitting an article to SCENARIO, please download the MS Word stylesheet below and use the font and formatting details for the layout of papers. Should this not work for you, submit your paper with as little manual formatting as possible (no tabs, no extra spaces, no indentations, no justified words, etc.), except the ones outlined below (see Emphases and Quotations).

Papers should not exceed 15–18 pages (1.5 line spacing) or approx. 5000–6000 words. Please also include an abstract of no more than 200 words.

When submitting your manuscript, you will be asked to also enter the following into the system:

  • References (in your file and in the system)
  • a minimum of five key words that characterise the contents of the paper (in OJS only).

Publication is contingent upon editorial changes deemed necessary by the journal staff.

Please take the following guidelines into account:

1. Language and Spelling

Articles can be submitted in either English or German. For spelling, consult a standard dictionary, e.g. the Oxford English Dictionary (British English), or Merriam Webster Collegiate Dictionary (American); for German, follow the rules of the spelling reform. For layout reasons, please refrain from word divisions.

2. Word Template

Please download and use the following stylesheet to create your Scenario Journal manuscript:

3. Emphases, Quotations, and references

Please follow APA 7th Edition. For a guideline, see  

4. Footnotes

Please limit the number of footnotes. It is imperative to use the option ‘Footnote’ from the ‘Insert’ menu in Word, to avoid possible layout problems. Footnotes end with a period.

5. Graphics

Tables, diagrams, illustrations, etc., should be numbered consecutively with.  Insert graphic materials into your document. 

6. Bibliography

You need to check your references for DOI-availability and include the DOIs in the bibliography. Please go to: and copy-paste your whole reference-section. Then click submit. The page will provide all DOI-addresses that are available and you can then include the DOIs at the end of the entries, separated by a full stop.

Submission and review process

  • The journal does not charge Article Processing Charges (APCs) or submission charges.
  • Your submission will be acknowledged immediately upon receipt.
  • Scenario articles are reviewed in a Double Blind Peer Review. Two anonymous reviewers will be contacted to evaluate your submission and, based on SCENARIO’s Reviewers’ Guidelines, they will send their independent reports to the editors.
  • Normally within approximately three months of receiving your submission, the editors will send you the reviewers’ reports and let you know whether, and if possible, when, your contribution will be published.

Review process (source:

Peer review process for an article at an academic journal.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word (using the below style sheet).
  • Where available, DOIs for the references have been provided. Check your references for DOIs here:
  • A minimum of five key words will be provided when submitting an article.
  • For archiving purposes, URLs are provided via the wayback machine:
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines (APA 7th Ed.).
  • The authors of the document have deleted their names from the text and replaced them with "Author 1", "Author 2" etc. Author details in the document properties must be deleted. Any information that could identify the authors is to be removed/replaced by "Author 1", "Author 2", etc.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party. For details, see