Let’s create what happens next: Translation as transformative experience


  • Alexandra Lukes Trinity College Dublin
  • Anthony O'Connor
  • Hannah Auld
  • Joseph Toolan




creativity, co-creation, experimental translation, transformation, improvisation, play, presence, performance


This article builds on a collective conference paper delivered at the 3rd International Scenario Conference in May 2024. The article discusses a final-year undergraduate class that took place at Trinity College Dublin in the autumn semester of 2023 entitled “Experimental Translation”. It focuses on the experiences of the teacher and three students who took the class by analysing the relationship between experimentation, experience, and translation, and it presents examples of the creative work that the students produced for their end-of-semester assessments.

Author Biographies

  • Alexandra Lukes, Trinity College Dublin

    Alexandra Lukes is Assistant Professor of French and Translation Studies at Trinity College Dublin. She works on experimental literary translation and on the relationship between sound, sense, and nonsense. She is the editor of Avant-Garde Translation (Brill 2023) and the special issue “Nonsense, Madness, and The Limits of Translation” (Translation Studies 2019).

  • Anthony O'Connor

    Anthony O'Connor received his BA from Trinity College Dublin in 2014 where he studied Irish and French. He also completed an Erasmus exchange where he studied at Université Sorbonne Nouvelle in 2021. He started Irish dancing at the age of four and later transitioned into the competitive and professional spheres, winning the Leinster Championships three times, placed among the top 5 at the All Scotland and Great Britain Championships, and ranked 5th at the World Championships. He is also a member of the Riverdance troupe.

  • Hannah Auld

    Hannah Auld studied French and Italian at Trinity College Dublin and received her BA in 2024. She now works in political administration. Her interests include music (especially jazz), literature and crochet. 

  • Joseph Toolan

    Joseph Toolan studied French and Italian at Trinity College Dublin and received his BA in 2024. He is currently teaching English as a foreign language.


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Special Issue Articles

How to Cite

Let’s create what happens next: Translation as transformative experience. (2024). Scenario: A Journal of Performative Teaching, Learning, Research, 18(2), 37-50. https://doi.org/10.33178/scenario.18.2.3