Playback Theatre


  • Daniel Feldhendler



Playback Theatre (PT) was created in New York State (USA) in 1975. As a particular form of interactive theatre, PT strives to encourage dialogue and create connections among people. In his article, the author introduces the method’s basic forms and practical implementations as employed in his teaching at the J.W. Goethe University in Frankfurt/Main (Germany). A brief historical overview highlights the paths of his own practice-based research. The aim of his innovative courses is to methodologically integrate theatre, psychodrama, sociodrama, supervision, coaching, and bibliographical work. The article shows how, through action methods, active self-reflection can encourage autonomy and self-determination in post-secondary education. Moreover, the author investigates how PT can be useful both for mediation and for sensitization in multicultural situations. Further examples show how these innovative forms can be implemented in teacher training and EU projects in order to foster the development of democratic participation in linguistic, cultural, and aesthetic education. Playback Theatre (PT) was created in New York State (USA) in 1975. As a particular form of interactive theatre, PT strives to encourage dialogue and create connections among people. In his article, the author introduces the method’s basic forms and practical implementations as employed in his teaching at the J.W. Goethe University in Frankfurt/Main (Germany). A brief historical overview highlights the paths of his own practice-based research. The aim of his innovative courses is to methodologically integrate theatre, psychodrama, sociodrama, supervision, coaching, and bibliographical work. The article shows how, through action methods, active self-reflection can encourage autonomy and self-determination in post-secondary education. Moreover, the author investigates how PT can be useful both for mediation and for sensitization in multicultural situations. Further examples show how these innovative forms can be implemented in teacher training and EU projects in order to foster the development of democratic participation in linguistic, cultural, and aesthetic education.


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How to Cite

Playback Theatre. (2007). Scenario: A Journal of Performative Teaching, Learning, Research, 1(2), 46-55.