Our first Window of Practice contribution introduces a simple and effective language teaching technique called loops, which was developed as a part of the act and speak® method at Jeviste, a language school in Prague that specializes in using drama and theatre in language teaching. Loops allow for an intensive, focused, and engaging practice of narrowly selected language points, and they provide an easy start for improvisation and creative writing activities. The essence of loops lies in combining dramatic play with language drills in the form of repetitive dialogues. The dialogues must bear two important features: ambiguity and dramatic tension. The article provides suggestions on how teachers can create their own loops, and it describes the way loops can be used in the language classroom.Published
Window of Creative and Reflective Practice
Copyright (c) 2011 the author(s)

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
How to Cite
Loops. (2011). Scenario: A Journal of Performative Teaching, Learning, Research, 5(1), 66-74. https://doi.org/10.33178/scenario.5.1.6