Drama in SPRACHPRAXIS at a German University English Department: Practical Solutions to Pedagogical Challenges


  • Jonathan Sharp




This article describes the initial phase of incorporating drama-in-education classes into the practical language curriculum of a German university English department. It offers a brief overview of drama in (higher) education, before focusing on some recent developments in Germany and the UK: specifically the current increase of interest in Theaterpädagogik in Germany, and the incorporation of performative pedagogy in UK higher education, with the example of an initiative at the University of Warwick. The practical language curriculum of the University of Tübingen English Department, within which the drama classes are being run, is introduced. A report on one of the classes is provided, with a short example of a student-led presentation session. After investigating some student feedback from the class, the article concludes by suggesting that a drama approach offers solutions to some challenges posed by the curriculum, and explains a brief rationale for its further development in this context.


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How to Cite

Drama in SPRACHPRAXIS at a German University English Department: Practical Solutions to Pedagogical Challenges. (2014). Scenario: A Journal of Performative Teaching, Learning, Research, 8(1), 19-35. https://doi.org/10.33178/scenario.8.1.3