The Social Art of Language Acquisition: A Theatre Approach in Language Learning for Migrants and its Digitization in the Corona Lockdown


  • Christine Best Technical University Dortmund
  • Kerstin Guhlemann Technical University Dortmund
  • Ona Argemí Guitart UpSocial



Social Art, Language acquisition, Theatre, Digitization, Language learning for migrants


Today's challenges and developments ? migration flows, globalization, diversification of educational pathways – clearly indicate that language teaching can no longer only take place within the framework of school and vocational training. Outside the context of schools, approaches which combine language learning with other goals of development or that are linked to concrete objectives appear most promising. A particularly challenging field is teaching languages to adult refugees, since language courses can seldom address the learning culture, the different learning speeds and key competencies adequately. In the wake of the current Corona crisis, the problem is becoming more pressing. By digitalization of language courses, there is the danger that people with better prerequisites benefit more from the offered courses than those more in need, and the gap between people with higher or lower learning success will widen further. The article uses the practical example JobAct Sprachkultur, which is a German programme for job placement, based on a combination of theatre methods, language learning and social work, to investigate the extent to which theatre methods can contribute to reducing educational inequality in the language acquisition of adult refugees/migrants. Based on a document analysis and qualitative spotlight surveys with the trainers of the program, the potentials and limitations of the theatre approach and its digital implementation can be shown.


  • Christine Best, Technical University Dortmund

    Christine Best holds an M.A. in social sciences and is research assistant in the social research institute of Technical University of Dortmund, Germany. She has worked with international partners on the use and implementation of social art for education and integration in two EU and was involved in scientific monitoring of the adaptations of the JobAct method throughout Europe.

  • Kerstin Guhlemann, Technical University Dortmund

    Kerstin Guhlemann holds an M.A. in Sociology and Media Studies and is coordinator of the research unit “work politics and health” in the social research institute of Technical University of Dortmund, Germany. Her main fields of work are employment biographies, health, social and work place inclusion and life-long learning. She is leading the scientific monitoring of the adaptation of the JobAct approach in the European projects.

  • Ona Argemí Guitart, UpSocial

    Ona Argemí Guitart works as researcher and project manager in UpSocial Barcelona, Spain. She is a political scientist specialized in social policies. She has worked as a consultant in human resources and social innovation, participating in projects related to vulnerable groups. She has also carried out socio-educational tasks with at-risk youth and in situations of social exclusion.


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