Step into Drama and Teach English affordably


  • Konstantina Kalogirou



This paper demonstrates how drama was used as a teaching tool in an English as a Foreign Language class in a Greek primary school. This paper presents, in particular, the origins, values and principles of Drama in Education (DiE) while exploring why drama is considered a suitable and efficient learning medium in a country that currently struggles with an economic crisis, which undoubtedly affects the education sector. While Greek schools suffer from staff shortages and limited equipment, there is an urgency for innovative, motivating, and affordable teaching methodologies that activate learners, bridge the gaps left by current teaching approaches, and encourage learners to safely immerse themselves in the target language. Finally, this paper sketches the motivating, engaging, and efficient contribution of DiE to language learning processes and claims it to be an adaptable and affordable teaching medium for any language teacher.1


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Step into Drama and Teach English affordably. (2016). Scenario: A Journal of Performative Teaching, Learning, Research, 10(1), 33-48.