Listening at the threshold

Perceptive play with voice, word and body


  • Robert McNeer Cultural Center "La Luna nel Pozzo"



Artistic workshop, Drama workshop, Language teacher training, Voice work, Creative feedback, Liminal space, Lyrical theater


This article offers a brief overview of the intentions and methods which the author has pursued in his years of leading artistic workshops at the Waldorf English Week, an annual in-service training week for Waldorf English teachers. It includes a reflection on the effects and possible benefits of the processes in these workshops for language teachers.


  • Robert McNeer, Cultural Center "La Luna nel Pozzo"

    Robert McNeer regularly conducts clown and theater workshops with teachers, teachers-in-training and professional performers. He is cofounder of the cultural center “La Luna nel Pozzo” in Apulia. With his collaborators, he conducts various workshops with artists with disabilities, including inclusive multicultural shows for the “Eins un Alles” community in Welzheim, Germany. The last theater piece he wrote is “Needle in the Dark: Visions of Helen Keller”, and he interprets himself in “Superman & Me”, an autobiographical misdemeanor; he is co-artistic director of the summer theater festival at “La Luna”, where he has also constructed a stone amphitheater and labyrinth. A dozen years ago he planted 5000 trees, now a sensoriale grove, location of the “Orthia” project, which explores biodiversity in nature and in community.


Edwards, B. (2012). Drawing on the right side of the brain (4th ed.). Penguin Random House.

Hoffman, E. (2008). Lost in translation: A life in a new language. Penguin Books.

Matthews, P. (1995). Sing me the creation: A creative writing sourcebook. Hawthorn Press.

McNeer, R. (2013). Mime, metaphor and the wildness of words. Humanizing Language Teaching, 15(5).

Rogers, C. (1995). A way of being. Houghton Mifflin.

Sievers, U. (2016, November 30). About teaching, languages and creativity [Video]. YouTube.





Kreatives und reflexives Praxisfenster