Performing El Camino (The Way) of Santiago de Compostela. An embodied performative language teaching practice.
DOI: chiave:
performative language teaching, embodiment, The Way, Santiago de Compostela, Spanish as a foreign language (ELE)Abstract
The author reports about a concrete example of embodied performative practice in the language classroom that can be adapted to different language levels. This workshop allows students to become pilgrims on Spain's El Camino (The Way) de Santiago de Compostela, a pilgrimage route with a long history that ends in the medieval city of Santiago de Compostela, located on the Northwest region of Galicia in Spain. While participating in the workshop Performing El Camino (The Way) of Santiago de Compostela, students must collaborate and complete several tasks while using the target language in a context similar to the real world. It is hoped that this proposal is helpful for language teachers and learners in the quest for fresh approaches to using embodied performative teaching in the classroom.
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