Drama in L2 learning: A research synthesis


  • George Belliveau
  • Won Kim




This article closely examines research literature from the last two decades that focuses on the use of drama in L2 learning and teaching. L2 (second language) is used as an umbrella term that refers to any language learned in addition to one’s first language. The authors review on-line teaching resources, position papers, scholarly articles and existing research findings on the impact of implementing drama in L2 learning that were published in English. This review of literature suggests that despite a wide-spread pedagogical interest and scholarly conviction in the possibilities of educational drama in creating a more contextually-situated, engaging, multi-modal, and empowering L2 learning experience, there is still little empirical evidence concerning what is actually taking place in L2 classrooms and how students perceive and react to their learning experiences when drama is introduced. More systematic, long-term research studies are needed to deepen our understanding of the impact of using drama in L2 classrooms on a range of aspects of teaching and learning.


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