Review of Brockmann, S. (Ed.) (2021). Brecht in context. Cambridge University Press.


  • Katja Frimberger University of Strathclyde


Parole chiave:

Brecht in context, Book review, Brecht, Playwright

Biografia autore

  • Katja Frimberger, University of Strathclyde

    Katja is Lecturer in Education Studies and Programme Lead for the MSc Education Studies (Jan. intake) at the School of Education/University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland. Curious to understand the relationship between theatre, film and education (in its broad sense of ‘formation’), she is particularly interested in the production-oriented elements of theatre/film-making and how these are theorised as education. She has published on Bertolt Brecht’s educational theatre philosophy; the ethics of participatory filmmaking and arts-based education/research. Her latest publication looks at Latvian director Asja Lācis' philosophy of education in her proletarian children’s theatre. 

Riferimenti bibliografici

Bradley, L., & Leeder, K. (Eds.) (2011). Brecht and the GDR: Politics, culture, posterity. Oxford University Press.

Brecht, B., & Jens, W.(Eds.) (1964). Ausgewählte Gedichte. Suhrkamp.

Brecht, B., & Willet, J. (Eds.) (1978). Brecht on theatre. Methuen.

Brecht, B., & Tatlow, A. (Eds.) (2016). Bertolt Brecht’s Me-ti: Book of interventions into the flow of things. Bloomsbury.

Brecht, B. & Kuhn, T. et al. (2019) (Eds./Trans.) The Collected Poems of Bertolt Brecht. Liveright.

Kuhn, T., & Leeder, K. (Eds.) (2002): Empedocles’ shoe: Essays on Brecht’s poetry. Methuen.

Tatlow, A. (2001). Shakespeare, Brecht and the intercultural sign. Duke University Press.

Tatlow, A, & Wong, T.-W. (Eds.) (1982). Brecht and East Asian theatre. Hong Kong University Press.




