Report: Going digital under duress - Notes on the 6th Drama in Education Days 2020

Drama in language teaching and learning


  • Eva Göksel
  • Stefanie Giebert



Conference report, Drama in education days , Performative teaching, Digital conference


In this conference report, we look back on our first digital conference, a challenge which ultimately came with many silver linings. Among the highlights: The online setting made our event more inclusive, with approximately 100 participants from across the globe attending the four-day drama event. This report highlights the keynotes, workshops, and talks shared at the 2020 Drama in Education Days.


  • Eva Göksel

    Eva Göksel is a doctoral candidate at the University of Zurich, Switzerland, with a master’s in
    education examining Drama in French as a Second Language from the University of British
    Columbia, Canada. Between 2014 and 2020, Eva was a research assistant at the Centre for Oral
    Communication, PH Zug, Switzerland, where she introduced Drama in Education to students and
    staff. Eva co-organises the annual Drama in Education Days.

  • Stefanie Giebert

    Stefanie Giebert promovierte in Anglistik und ist derzeit wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Sprachenzentrum der HS Kempten. Sie unterrichtet außerdem DaF, technisches Englisch und literaturwissenschaftliche/theaterpädagogische Kurse an verschiedenen Hochschulen in Baden-Württemberg. Ihre Forschungsinteressen sind Vermittlung von Fachsprache durch Dramapädagogik, dramatische Adaptionen anderer Textsorten und Improvisationstheater.


Abraham, N. (2018). The Creature Methodology: Reflexivity and the applied theatre practitioner in training. ETAS Journal 35(2), 16-17.

Giebert, S., & Göksel, E. (Eds.). (2019). Dramapädagogik-Tage 2018. Conference Proceedings of the 4th Annual Conference on Performative Language Teaching and Learning.

Giebert, S., & Göksel, E. (Eds.). (2021). Dramapädagogik-Tage 2019. Conference proceedings of the 5th annual conference on performative language teaching and learning.

Schewe, M. (1993). Fremdsprache inszenieren. Zur Fundierung einer dramapädagogischen Lehr- und Lernpraxis. Didaktisches Zentrum Carl von Ossietzky Universität.






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