Secret agent meets pirate professor on Zoom
Collaboratively creating characters in a digital space
DOI: chiave:
Online theatre workshop, trust-building, Character-creation, improvisation, ZoomAbstract
This Window-Of-Practice contribution focuses on a teaching experience where elements of on-site teaching were successfully transferred to an online theatre workshop for English learners at a German university in 2021. The sequence of activities was also presented at the 8th Scenario Forum Symposium. The text describes the stages of trust-building, character-creation based on a visual prompt, character-exploration and improvisation of short scenes with the created characters and focuses on how the online environment (in this case the video conference platform Zoom) can be creatively used to let learners make theatrical experiences and foster a collaborative atmosphere between participants in physically remote locations.
Riferimenti bibliografici
Dahl, J. (2009). Drama Notebook: Print and Play Games.
Even, S. (2011). Multiple Hotseating. Scenario, 5(2), 113-114.
Hensel, A. (2020). Fremdsprachenunterricht als Ereignis: Zur Fundierung einer performativ-ästhetischen Praxis. Schibri-Verlag.
Neelands, J. (2000). Structuring drama work: A handbook of available forms in theatre and drama (T. Goode, Ed.; 2nd ed.). Cambridge University Press.
Copyright (c) 2022 Stefanie Giebert

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