About the blessing of linguistic diversity in the field of education (and beyond)

Learning through drama from the Irish past





Linguistic diversity, Theatre pedagogy, Valuing of language, Linguistic sensitivity, Performative pedagogy, Intercultural encounters, Learning through drama


In this article performative teaching practice becomes a departure point for reflections on linguistic diversity in the field of education. Reference is made to personal experiences with linguistic (in)sensitivity in intercultural encounters, and personal views are expressed to spark off a broader discussion on the development and implementation of linguistic diversity policies.

Author Biography

  • Manfred Schewe, University College Cork

    Manfred Schewe is Professor Emeritus at University College Cork (UCC) where he served as Head of a Language Department (German) and also as Head of Theatre. His teaching and interdisciplinary research activities focus on Applied Drama and Theatre and are closely connected to the Scenario Project which encompasses a trilingual (German-English-Italian) journal, a book series and a forum for international conferences, symposia and colloquia.

    Further biographical details are available at: http://research.ucc.ie/profiles/A016/mschewe/ 



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Window of Creative and Reflective Practice

How to Cite

About the blessing of linguistic diversity in the field of education (and beyond): Learning through drama from the Irish past . (2023). Scenario: A Journal of Performative Teaching, Learning, Research, 17(2), 180-197. https://doi.org/10.33178/scenario.17.2.10

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