Giebert, Stefanie & Göksel, Eva (eds.) (2019): Dramapädagogik-Tage 2018. Drama in Education Days 2018
The proceedings of the bilingual conference Dramapädagogik-Tage/Drama in Education Days 2018 in Konstanz, Germany, is the first independent publication following the yearly eponymous event. Since the conference series focuses “on best practice and research in the field of Drama and Theatre in Education specifically in second and foreign language teaching”2, the Scenario Journal has followed the conference since the beginning. The entire 2015/2 issue was dedicated to the first event in 2015 and edited by Stefanie Giebert, who is, together with Eva Göksel, the co-editor of the current proceedings. Reports on the conferences 2016 and 2017 were included in 2016/2 and 2017/1. The present book review continues this existing professional dialogue between Scenario and the Drama in Education Days. The publication consists of eleven articles in German and English, compiling reports on drama and theatre workshops as well as on projects for language education which were presented at the conference. Regarding the structure, there are four sections in the book: Foreword, Basics, Current Research and Practical Inspiration. In the foreword, which is included in English and German, the editors and conference organisers briefly introduce the authors and their articles. They also outline the genesis of the Drama in Education Days, ...Literaturhinweise
Dufeu, Bernard (2003): Wege zu einer Pädagogik des Seins. Ein psychodramaturgischer Ansatz zum Fremdsprachenerwerb. Mainz: Éditions psychodramaturgie
Even, Susanne (2003): Drama Grammatik. Dramapädagogische Ansätze für den Grammatikunterricht Deutsch als Fremdsprache. München: Iudicium
Even, Susanne (2019): Doing a Manfred. Über die willkommene Unvorhersehbarkeit von Lernprozessen. In: Even, Susanne et al., 57-68
Even, Susanne; Miladinović, Dragan & Schmenk, Barbara (eds.) (2019): Lernbewegungen inszenieren: Performative Zugänge in der Sprach-, Literatur- und Kulturdidaktik. Festschrift für Manfred Schewe zum 65. Geburtstag. Tübingen: Narr/Francke/Attempto.
Haack, Adrian (2018): Dramapädagogik, Selbstkompetenz und Professionalisierung. Performative Identitätsarbeit im Lehramtsstudium Englisch. Wiesbaden: J. B. Metzler,
Rösler, Dietmar (2019): Performative Fremdsprachendidaktik als Leitprinzip des Fremdsprachenlernens? In: Even, Susanne et al., 45-55
Schewe, Manfred (1993): Fremdsprache inszenieren. Zur Fundierung einer dramapädagogischen Lehr- und Lernpraxis. Oldenburg: Pädagogisches Zentrum, available online:
Tselikas, Elektra I. (1999): Dramapädagogik im Sprachunterricht. Zürich: Orell Fuessli
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